How Do You Choose your Fuel?

What is the best fuel for your body? My patients often ask me what they should or shouldn’t be eating.  The above is a photo of me in June after I finished a trail run on beautiful Taylor Mountain just outside of Seattle northwesttrailruns.  I’m convinced that sticking to optimal nutritional habits has helped me over the years.  I'm known to be faithful to my supplement routine.  I haven't consumed refined carbohydrates for most of my adult life.  The night before the run I had a beautiful piece of cod and vegetables with my fellow running partners. 

In my opinion, the best fuel for your body depends on three things:

  1. Knowing what area of your health you need to prioritize. Do you need to reduce inflammation?  Do you need to sleep better? Do you need to perform better at work or school?  Do you need to lose weight? Do you need to run faster?  Do you need to be less stressed?  There are well-researched foods and clinical nutrition protocols that specifically target improving outcomes for certain issues. 

  2. How well you digest the food.

  3. The quality of the food or supplement.

Take for instance protein powder or foods that contain it.  Whether it’s energy bars, meal replacement shakes or smoothies, protein powders are in many foods we regularly consume.  How would you choose between whey, beef or a vegetarian protein?  For certain individuals with insufficient digestive capabilities, animal protein can be a more absorbable form of nutrition.  This source may be the fuel you need until you build your digestive strength.  On the other hand, if you suffer from iron deficiency anemia, soy protein can interfere with iron absorption.  Picking the right type can make all the difference in how your body uses it.

Before you start incorporating a functional food or supplement into your diet, consult a clinical nutrition expert who can give you the most educated guidance on delivering the best outcome for you.

You don’t want to do and eat the same thing day after day, year after year.  You need to regularly reassess the health challenges you may face.  Our ancestors lived by these principles this way and so should we. 

If you want to become healthier, it’s never too late to make positive changes, because it’s possible to achieve an optimal state of fitness and wellness at any age. Dr. Clara Barnett, ND, LAc, a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist in Seattle, helps men and women take a holistic approach to achieve better fitness and wellness through nutrition, exercise, and the many health benefits of acupuncture. Learn more by calling the office or using the online booking tool to schedule a consultation. 

Clara Barnett