What To Expect from Dr. Barnett’s Naturopathic Approach to Healthy Skin
What To Expect from Dr. Barnett’s Naturopathic Approach to Healthy Skin
Address underlying causes of your skin condition. How do hormones, allergens and other inflammatory agents exacerbate the skin?
As an example, endocrine disruptors are compounds found in our diet and environment which mimic our own hormones. These can be potentially disruptive to normal hormonal signaling leaving our systems out of balance and overstimulated. Research shows that endocrine disruptors can worsen conditions such as hormonal acne. The list includes plastics, pesticides, hormones in animal products and other chemicals.
What can you do?
-Avoid eating out of plastic containers and certainly do not warm or heat food in them. Try using bamboo, stainless-steel and glass containers instead.
-Familiarize yourself with the Dirty Dozen list of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables published each year by the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org). Prioritize buying organic produce based on this list.
-When investing in organic foods, opt for clean, non-hormone meats. Here, an important distinction should be made. Taken directly from the US Department of Agriculture’s website, “Hormones are not allowed in raising hogs or poultry. Therefore, the claim "no hormones added" cannot be used on the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones." This is not to say that chickens are not administered antibiotics. However, hormones can be administered to cattle and sheep so choose clean sources of these meats.
Maximize your body’s innate ability to clear impurities and optimize detoxification and elimination
You are what you eat. When we eat good quality foods that are clean and high in nutrients our bodies use these vitamins and minerals to carry out various functions in the body. But when our bodies are encumbered with chemicals and other synthetic by-products in food, our bodies must work that much harder to eliminate them out of our system.
If we want healthy skin, we must work on eating foods that nourish our bodies and try to minimize the substances which stress our bodies. Along with our liver, kidneys, intestines and lungs, the skin is a major organ of elimination.
Understand What Your Body Needs through Precision Nutrition
Did you know that certain “greens” compounds have been found to inhibit inflammatory mediators in the body which cause acne? Further, a June 2020 study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, showed that at least 50% of patients with eczema test positive for specific food allergies.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health calls it “a credible emerging area of research supported by the National Institutes of Health.” Read more about it here: Precision Nutrition
Dr. Barnett can guide you through a customized eating plan where you can both cleanse your system and identify specific foods that could be inflammatory. She factors in how to optimize your body’s microbiome so your immune system can stay alert to offending organisms. She listens to each individual and provides an effective and manageable way of eating without taking extreme measures or depriving you of enjoying meals.
In some cases, Dr. Barnett will recommend advanced lab testing to identify clinical imbalances.
If you suffer from chronic skin conditions and have some of the following symptoms you are not alone:
-Gas and bloating
-Menstrual irregularities
-Poor diet
-Foggy headedness
-Poor sleep
Click here to make an appointment with Dr. Barnett